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  • 123/A, Miranda City Prikano
  • +0989 7876 9865 9

Social List

Some of the most popular/used forums are:

1. Stack Overflow:

A popular forum for programmers and developers to ask questions and seek answers related to software development, coding, and technical issues.

2. Microsoft Support:

Microsoft Support page:

3. Reddit /r/programming:

A subreddit dedicated to discussions and sharing of programming-related topics, news, and resources.

4. Spiceworks Community:

A platform where IT professionals can connect, ask questions, share knowledge, and discuss various IT-related topics, including hardware, software, networking, and cybersecurity.

5. TechNet Forums:

Microsoft’s official community platform where IT professionals can find support, ask questions, and discuss Microsoft products and technologies.

6. Cisco Community:

A forum for networking professionals to discuss Cisco products, technologies, and solutions, as well as seek guidance and share knowledge.

7. Tom’s Hardware Forums:

A community-driven platform focused on computer hardware and technology discussions, including troubleshooting, product recommendations, and DIY projects.

8. TechRepublic Forums:

A forum for IT professionals and enthusiasts to discuss various technology-related topics, including cybersecurity, software, hardware, and IT career advice.

9. Linus Tech Tips Forum:

A community forum associated with the popular Linus Tech Tips YouTube channel, featuring discussions on technology news, hardware reviews, and DIY PC builds.

10. XDA Developers Forum:

A forum dedicated to mobile device development, customization, and modding, covering topics related to Android and other mobile platforms.

11. WebHostingTalk Forum:

A forum for web hosting professionals and enthusiasts to discuss web hosting, server management, website development, and related topics.
Please note that the popularity and relevance of forums can change over time, so it’s always a good idea to explore multiple sources and communities to find the most suitable forum for your specific needs.